Testing Methods - nikchopda/CanteenAutomation GitHub Wiki

Unit Testing

  • We have created unit test classes in tests.py for the login module of chef, customer and admin.

  • We can create test classes for remaining functionalities.

System Testing

Performance testing

  • In our project - Canteen Automation, we will perform the performance testing to:

    - verify response time in accordance with active users
    - how many maximum users load the site can handle
    - how well the system can sustain load for longer time
  • During the performance test execution, the range, load, etc are measured and these are set as per the requirements and user satisfaction.

Security Testing

  • In our project - Canteen Automation, we will perform the security testing to -

      - A password should be in alphanumeric format
      - Application or System should not allow invalid users
      - Check cookies and session time for application

Volume Testing

  • In our project - Canteen Automation, we will perform the volume testing to -

     - Verify if the data can be added, updated or deleted in web app
     - Verify if there is any data loss
     - Verify there is no timeout or any error/warning encountered while navigating in web app