Project Methodology - nikchopda/CanteenAutomation GitHub Wiki
Our methodology
Implementation of the Canteen Automation system includes many phases for development of a fully functional system. This development is based on a top-down approach. Starting from the requirements gathering in the first phase to development of the partial system in the second phase.
The first phase is starting from the problem identification. The major problem is identified with the existing manual food management system. After preparing the SRS document for this problem, we got the exact requirements, which needs to be implemented in the project. Later we defined the system architecture and creation of the database, which will help to design according to our requirements. Initially, in phase 1 we have created login functionality for our different types of users like customer, chef, and admin.
Furthermore, in phase two, we divided our requirements according to users, and implemented functionalities like add item/chef, update item/chef and delete item/chef for admin, prepare work and view history for chef, and choose order, add to cart, place order, confirm order, view order history, and edit profile for customer.
To develop this system, we created this automation system in python and used MySQL database to store information. We are hoping that after successful implementation of this system will solve many issues identified during the system analysis.