Installation of Django - nikchopda/CanteenAutomation GitHub Wiki

  1. Before installing Django, verify that python is already installed into your computer and PATH variable is set.

    • Check if python is installed by using the following command in command prompt: -python –V

    • It should return the version of installed python. If not, install python and check again.

  2. Install Django

    • Django can be installed easily using pip within your virtual environment.

    • In the command prompt, ensure your virtual environment is active, and execute the following:

      Command: -pip install django.

    • This will download and install the latest Django release.

    • We can verify it by using django-admin --version in the command prompt.

    • We can get errors in case if the PATH system environment variable is not set to python directory.

  3. Command for migration of models to database: -

    python makemigrations appname

    python migrate