Elaboration Phase I Development - nikchopda/CanteenAutomation GitHub Wiki
Functionalities added in Phase I
Login functionality for Chef, Client and Admin is developed.
It allows chef to login to the portal
- Front-end file: chef/templates/cheflogin.html
- Code file: chef/Views.py
- Connection file: chef/urls.py
It allows the customer to login to the portal. It also provides Change Password and Forgot Password functionality.
- Front-end file: client/templates/changepassword.html , client/templates/forgotpassword.html , client/templates/login.html
- Code file: client/Views.py
- Connection file: client/urls.py
It allows admin to login to the portal. It also provides forgot password functionality.
- Front-end file: prog/templates/adminlogin.html, prog/templates/forgotpassword.html
- Code file: prog/Views.py
- Connection file: prog/urls.py