custom allocator - nihui/ncnn GitHub Wiki
Mat structure is now allocator-aware via an extra allocator parameter with default zero value.
The good-old ncnn::fastMalloc()/ncnn::fastFree() will be used for a null allocator.
You could pass a custom allocator to delegate all memory allocation and deallocation.
class Allocator
virtual void* fastMalloc(size_t size) = 0;
virtual void fastFree(void* ptr) = 0;
ncnn has already implemented two simple pooled Allocator class, with mutex lock or without it.
ncnn::PoolAllocator locked_mempool;
ncnn::UnlockedPoolAllocator unlocked_mempool;
the two allocator types in ncnn
blob allocator
used to allocate memory for all named blobs, which you could retrieve by Extractor::extract()
workspace allocator
used to allocate memory for internal temporary use in layer implementation, such as the temp blob after padding in convolution
by default, all Extractor instance use the two allocator in the default option You can alter them by ncnn::set_default_option() or you can set them per Extractor by Extractor::set_blob_allocator()/Extractor::set_workspace_allocator()
blob allocator is guaranteed to be called in-order in layer implementation during each Extractor lifecycle while workspace allocator may be called synchronously
the practical usage
one network, one-by-one inference
shared unlocked blob allocator for all Extractor
shared locked workspace allocator for all Extractor
one network, concurrent inference
shared unlocked blob allocator for all Extractor in each thread
shared locked workspace allocator for all Extractor among all threads
concurrent multiple networks, one-by-one inference for each network
shared unlocked blob allocator for all Extractor of each network
shared locked workspace allocator for all Extractor among all networks (for saving memory)
concurrent multiple networks, concurrent inference for each network
shared unlocked blob allocator for all Extractor of each network in each thread
shared locked workspace allocator for all Extractor among all networks (for saving memory)