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input data and extract output

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include "net.h"

int main()
    cv::Mat img = cv::imread("image.ppm", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
    int w = img.cols;
    int h = img.rows;

    // subtract 128, norm to -1 ~ 1
    ncnn::Mat in = ncnn::Mat::from_pixels_resize(img.data, ncnn::Mat::PIXEL_GRAY, w, h, 60, 60);
    float mean[1] = { 128.f };
    float norm[1] = { 1/128.f };
    in.substract_mean_normalize(mean, norm);

    ncnn::Net net;

    ncnn::Extractor ex = net.create_extractor();

    ex.input("data", in);

    ncnn::Mat feat;
    ex.extract("output", feat);

    return 0;

print Mat content

void pretty_print(const Mat& m)
    for (int q=0; q<m.c; q++)
        const float* ptr = m.channel(q);
        for (int y=0; y<m.h; y++)
            for (int x=0; x<m.w; x++)
                printf("%f ", ptr[x]);
            ptr += m.w;

caffe-android-lib+openblas vs ncnn

use squeezenet v1.1, nexus6p, android 7.1.2

memory usage is the RSS item in top utility output

compare item caffe-android-lib+openblas ncnn
inference time(1 thread) 228ms 88ms
inference time(8 thread) 152ms 38ms
memory usage 138.16M 21.56M
library binary size 6.9M <500K
compability armeabi-v7a-hard with neon or arm64-v8a armeabi-v7a with neon or arm64-v8a
thirdparty dependency boost gflags glog lmdb openblas opencv protobuf none


Q ncnn的起源

A 深度学习算法要在手机上落地,caffe依赖太多,手机上也没有cuda,需要个又快又小的前向网络实现

Q ncnn名字的来历

A cnn就是卷积神经网络的缩写,开头的n算是一语n关。比如new/next(全新的实现),naive(ncnn是naive实现),neon(ncnn最初为手机优化),up主名字(←_←)

Q 支持哪些平台

A 跨平台,主要支持 android,次要支持 ios / linux / windows

Q 计算精度如何

A armv7 neon float 不遵照 ieee754 标准,有些采用快速实现(如exp sin等),速度快但确保精度足够高

Q pc 上的速度很慢

A pc都是x86架构的,基本没做什么优化,主要用来核对结果,毕竟up主精力是有限的(

Q 为何没有 logo

A up主是mc玩家,所以开始是找了萌萌的苦力怕当看板娘的,但是这样子会侵权对吧,只好空出来了...