p001 setup - nihole/PSEFABRIC GitHub Wiki
Now we have enough information to
- change YANG files according to PSEFABRIC interface we want to use
- fill out the Vocabulary with new parameters and names of Structure Elements
- create dictionaries in psef_logic.py in accordance with PSEFABRIC Logic
- create templates for each command used in psef_logic.py
- describe equipment in host_to_type.py
- create encapsulation scripts, if necessary, to adapt configuration to the automation tools or equipment management interface
- create configuration uploading scripts or integrate PSEFABRIC with an existing automation solution
Add PSEFABRIC Structure Element types in psefabric-types.yang (data-centers, VRFs, equipment, interfaces, VLANs):
Change structure.yang file with new Structure Elements:
Change parameter and Structure Elements names for all PSEFABRIC objects (addresses.yang, services.yang, policies.yang). For example for addresses:
2. vocabulary.py
Describe all Structure Elements and object parameter names.
Important.Structure Elements participating in Resolving Element should be the values of the keys
. In our example these are 'dc', 'vrf':
str_voc['str_1'] = 'dc'
str_voc['str_2'] = 'vrf'
str_voc['str_3'] = 'str_3'
str_voc['str_4'] = 'str_4'
3. psef_logic.py
See psef_logic.py
One example. Let's consider condition:
- Policies
if source and destination data-centers are different then
if destination data-center is DC1 then
device: dc1_fw1
commands: srx_create_policy/srx_delete_policy
device: dc1_sw1
commands: cisco_create_access/cisco_delete_access
if source and destination data-centers are the same but source and destination VRFs are different then
if data-center is DC1 (any source/destination VRFs) then
device: dc1_fw1
commands: srx_create_policy/srx_delete_policy
device: dc1_sw1
commands: cisco_create_access/cisco_delete_access
In psef_logic.py this piece looks like:
if (dst_dc == 'DC1'):
mult[0]['eq_addr'] = 'dc1_sw1'
mult[0]['eq_parameter'] = ''
mult[0]['cmd'] = {}
mult[0]['cmd']['ad'] = []
mult[0]['cmd']['rm'] = []
if (not (same_dc_flag and same_vrf_flag)):
# May be some logic based on par1, par2, ... value
mult[1]['eq_addr'] = 'dc1_fw1'
mult[1]['eq_parameter'] = ''
mult[1]['cmd'] = {}
mult[1]['cmd']['ad'] = []
mult[1]['cmd']['rm'] = []
4. Templates
We have to use vendor/equipment configuration syntax to create templates.
We use python scripts.
See files: ptemplates.py (Juniper) and ctemplates.py (Cisco ACI).
5. host_to_type.py
See host_to_type.py
6. Encapsulation scripts
Due to we are not going to use any intermediate automation tools these files are pretty simple:
7. Uploading scripts
We follow the semi-automation approach in p001 (see Configuration Loader)
For more details see
The last script (load_all.pl) is used for uploading configuration to all equipment.
perl load_all.pl