Configuration Encapsulator - nihole/PSEFABRIC GitHub Wiki

module mult_cfg

Configuration Encapsulation

python function:

  • mult_cfg.mult_cfg

Three purposes of this layer:

  • some additional configuration manipulation, for example:
    • removing duplicate lines
    • restoring the correct order of commands if necessary
  • encapsulation or adaptation of the configuration files to protocols or tools are used at Layer 6 (telnet/ssh, neconf, ansible etc.)
  • saving of configuration files (folder $PSEFABRIC/PSEF_CONF/EQ_CONF/)

Encapsulation Scripts

Additional scripts may be used for the configuration manipulation.

For example, this script from p001 project ( adds conf t line at the beginning of configuration for Cisco equipment:

import re

def cisco_cli_correction(cfg_txt):

    config_ = 'conf t' + '\n' + cfg_txt + '\n' + 'exit' + '\n'

    return (config_)