Video Switch - night-ghost/minimosd-extra GitHub Wiki
It is possible to use the MinimOSD as a pass through port to operate a 3 camera video switcher, for example the low cost one from HobbyKing (Video Switcher). Once activated the pass through port can be any of the pins BAT1, BAT2, RSSI or the Current sensing pin on the Mini MinimOSD which is set by in the CT (Configuration Tool).
Unfortunately it is not possible to do this with the original "longer" MinimOSD as these do not have the required BAT1, BAT2, RSSI or the Current sensing pins.
In the following example please note that we are using 3 cameras and that camera 1 requires a 12v feed while cameras 2 & 3 require only 5 volts. DO NOT attempt to feed 12v to a camera such as a GoPro or the magic smoke will make an appearance! Also note that the + positive pins on the video switcher are interconnected and therefore do not connect different voltages to the switcher itself!