Switching_screens - night-ghost/minimosd-extra GitHub Wiki

Switching Screens

With MinimOSD-Extra, you have 3 different screens you can use.

Screen 1 and 2 can show any panels. Screen 3 is OSD off state.

Screen 1

Screen 1 is your primary screen. It means your most important data should be on screen 1 as warnings make screen 1 to show up.

Screen 2

This is your secondary screen.

less critical data should be shown here.

If warnings are enabled MinimOSD-Extra will let you know if something is wrong even with data not shown on your screen 2, and will bring you back to screen 1.

OSD off screen

All panels are off.

If warnings are enabled MinimOSD-Extra will let you know if something is wrong, by turning OSD on automatically and bringing you back to screen 1. So you can enjoy the view without worry. :)

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