Pan_sensors - night-ghost/minimosd-extra GitHub Wiki
There are four sensor panels (1-4) ready to display data from the additional pins exposed on various MinimOSD board flavours. See individual board documentation for exact specifications. Using the sensor panels (instead of the specific voltage-, current- or rssi-panel) allows free scaling and setting individual panel designs to display any analogue or pwm sensor's data.
Scaling and setting offsets can be done using the sensor settings box in the lower left corner of the Config Tool's config tab. V1 refers to sensor panel 1, V2 refers to sensor panel 2, Current refers to sensor 3 and Rssi to sensor panel 4.
The "format" column sets the panel design using a string defining descriptor, data format and unit symbol. Descriptor and unit symbols can be set using plain text or using a character's font-file adress directly, replacing the 0 with a backslash. The temperature-probe symbol "0x0A" e.g. would have to be adressed as "\x0A".
The "factor" column sets each pin's voltage divider, depending on the indiviual board's circuitry.
The "add" column sets an idividual offset that can be positive or negative, e.g. for the use of analogue thermistors like TMP36.