Server Tasks - niehusst/TerminalJeopardy GitHub Wiki
- accept connecting clients while clients_connected < MAX_CLIENTS
- load and process game data from raw JSON/CSV file
- game loop:
- construct and send metadata_t to clients
- send 5 category name strings 1-by-1 (same order as filled out in the category field of the metadata_t struct)
- if game is determined to be over:
- send array of integer scores to the clients
- send int array of sizes of usernames (order corresponding to scores)
- send each username string 1-by-1 (order corresponding to scores)
- send boolean to each client, dictating whose turn it is to select a question
- read question choice coordinates (2 chars, e.g. E5) from the client whose turn it was
- convert coords to board position and extract question
- send the question size
- send the question as a string itself
- read buzz in (time_t struct containing system time in seconds since 1970 when the user buzzed in)
- send boolean back to all clients telling them if they were the first to buzz in or not (dictating whether they answer the question)
- from the client who buzzed first, read their answer to the question (and their username??)
- send answer_sizes_t struct to all clients (contains length of predicted answer, true answer, and answerer username)
- send predicted answer string
- send real answer string
- send username string
- send boolean dictating whether the predicted answer was correct (True) or not (False)