Intro to Comp Media - nicosanin/Introduction-to-Computacional-Media GitHub Wiki
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[Tribue to Sol LeWitt] (<iframe src=""></iframe>)
<iframe src=""></iframe>function setup() { createCanvas(900, 900); }
function draw() { background(0);
function draw() {
fill(0); elipse(20,20,30,30)
fill(240); rect(10, 10, 286.6, 286.6); rect(306.6, 10, 286.6, 286.6); rect(603.2, 10, 286.6, 286.6);
rect(10, 306, 286.6, 286.6); rect(306, 306.6, 286.6, 286.6); rect(603.2, 306.6, 286.6, 286,6);
rect(10, 602, 286.6, 286.6); rect(306.6, 603.2, 286.6, 286,6) rect(603.2, 603.2, 286.6, 286.6)