Home - nicolino101/mvcsoftwareframework GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the mvcsoftwareframework wiki!

I created this basic php 5.4 framework in order to create simple sites quickly. It's still a baby and I would love any input or help building it out.


  • Similar to Zend Framework 2 or Symfony with some modifications to provide a smaller footprint.
  • Module.php for each module to set the VIEW_PATH and get($key) method for getting configs such as DB params, entities, etc... all defined as closures and initiated on call. ex...$this->sm->get('user'); ( no need for bootstrap ).
  • Nested Views for widget type views. No need for layouts with nested views, but can use layouts.
  • AbstractModel and AbstractMapper in library for using table data gateway or data mapper gateway pattern. Mapper includes a hydration method for populating the model properties.
  • Basic service manager/locator.
  • Db Adapter for PDO_MYSQL. (needs more adapters).
  • application directory and module directory contain use case examples.


  • Finish the AbstractMapper class save(), delete().
  • Create a library/Auth item.
  • Create a library/Acl item.
  • Add More adapter / storage types.
  • Add a library/Form item.
  • Add a frontend framework like bootstrap
  • Documentation and Examples.