Using The Dashboard - nicnacnic/restreamer-dashboard GitHub Wiki



The dashboard provides a number of features to make life easier for the organizers/restreamers. Please note that your OBS must be in Studio Mode, otherwise the scene-switching may not work as intended.

Preview/Program Live Feed

Powered by OBS.Ninja, this allows the restreamer to see a live feed of the preview/program scenes. If there is an issue, the restreamer can always try to fix it themselves using the dashboard, or if the problem is severe, ask one of the organizers to manually fix it in OBS.

To use this feature, you must make a windowed projector of both the preview and program scenes in OBS. Then, open OBS.Ninja, click on Remote Screenshare Into OBS, and select either the preview or program windowed projector to share. Repeat with the other windowed projector. Finally, go into the advanced tab on the dashboard, copy/paste the OBS.Ninja URL's into the corresponding fields, enter your advanced password and press the Set OBS.Ninja URL button. The preview/program windows should now appear in the dashboard!

Don't put the windowed projectors behind the main OBS window, and don't put them off the screen, or else they will be black. You can have other applications covering the windowed projectors (such as your web browser, Discord, etc...), but again don't cover them with OBS or put them off the screen.


This feature automatically manages your OBS recordings based on the current scene. When this feature is enabled, OBS will not record when on the Intermission scene, but will record when on any other scene. There is no longer a need to manually start/stop a recording, or splitting a 12-hour long recording in Premiere Pro.

It also includes an Emergency Transition button, which automatically switches the program to the Intermission scene while continuing the recording, in case a problem pops up and you want the recording to continue. If using Auto Record, it is a good idea to urge your restreamers to use this button if you need to unexpectedly switch to an intermission in the middle of a run, because of a problem.

You can enable Auto Record either in the config file or in the dashboard itself. If editing the config, Auto Record will start in that state when the dashboard starts, but can always be overridden by the button in the Advanced tab. You can check the current state of Auto Record in the Scenes tab of the dashboard, under the transition buttons.

"AutoRecord":true,  -> Auto Record will be ON when the dashboard starts.
"AutoRecord":false, -> Auto Record will be OFF when the dashboard starts.

Can always be overridden by the button in the Advanced tab.

When Auto Record is off, the recording will continue in it's current state no matter the scene. The Emergency Transition button continues to work, but won't change the current state of the recording.

Password-Protected Options

The dashboard allows certain critical options to be protected behind a password. This includes:

  • Start/Stop Streaming
  • Start/Stop Recording
  • Toggle Auto Record
  • Reset Stats
  • Open NodeCG Dashboard
  • Reauthenticate Websocket

To set the password, change the AdvancedPassword setting in the config to your desired password. It is not recommended to set this as the same password that protects the dashboard. The default is password.

"AdvancedPassword":"password", -> Sets the password that must be entered to unlock the buttons on the Advanced tab.

This feature is useful if one of the organizers need to restart the stream/recording when the person running OBS on their computer is not available. Do not give this password to your restreamers, unless you trust them very very much.

User Guide

A basic user guide is provided for restreamers that outlines the basic functions of the dashboard, and how to properly set up a run and use the dashboard. This should be enough for new restreamers to learn the ropes and how to use the dashboard correctly. But, as this is meant as a general guide, the procedures outlined might not exactly fit for your marathon, so therefore it is recommended to write a short document that outlines your specific procedures as a compliment to the User Guide. A link to the User Guide is available on the Home tab for the restreamers to use, if needed.

Dashboard Tabs

This section is meant to highlight the features of each tab. For a full tutorial, please refer to the User Guide.

All tabs (except the Home tab) provide live feeds of the OBS preview/program for use.


This is the landing page whenever a restreamer connects to the dashboard. Other than some text and links to the User Guide, there is nothing special about this tab.


This is where all the magic happens. On this tab, restreamers can manage the active scenes, transition to another scene, and prep the next run. There are live feeds of the preview and program scenes to make sure everything looks good.

Scenes can be selected by pressing the appropriate button in the Scenes panel, and they can be transitioned to the program by pressing the transition button. There are a couple stats that are available, such as streaming and recording status, and auto record status. The Emergency Transition button can be used in case of a problem where you need to quickly switch back to an intermission.

Timer and run control is also available with NodeCG integration, making it easy for restreamers to set up the next run. Twitch control is also available in case the restreamer needs to change the stream name or Twitch game.


All of your stream audio is managed through this tab. Control volume levels for individual sources, including your custom sources, through this tab.

Due to OBS-Websocket limitations, you're not able to get a live feed of the audio meter.


Check your stream stats here! This tab mirrors the stats menu in OBS, while also including a handy bitrate graph, preview and program scenes, and a live Twitch feed (if configured) for your restreamers to chill during runs and downtime!


While restreamers won't be able to use this tab, it's packed with a variety of options for your other organizers to control the stream! From here, they'll have several password-protected options such as start/stop streaming and recording, toggle Auto Record, reset the stats on the Monitoring page, open the NodeCG dashboard, and more! It also displays the status of the websocket connection for easy troubleshooting.