Configuration - nicnacnic/restreamer-dashboard GitHub Wiki


Main Settings

The dashboard includes a config file to avoid the need to enter the editor to change things. This config is located in C:\Users\<username>\.node-red\RestreamDash. There are a bunch of things that you can change regarding settings, scenes, and sources. Note that this is a JSON file, so the syntax must be correct to load the file into the dashboard. You can use a web app such as JSONLint to check that the file is valid.

Note that you cannot change the browser/RTMP feed source names. They must be P1 Browser, P2 Browser, etc...

  • UseRTMP: This dictates whether the dashboard uses Twitch or RTMP for the runner stream input. Default: false
  • RTMPServerURL: This is the RTMP server URL, if using RTMP. Leave blank if you're not using RTMP. Default: rtmp://
  • WebsocketPassword: This is the password that is used to authenticate with OBS-Websocket. You must have the plugin properly configured for it to work correctly. If you don't use authentication (which is not recommended), leave this blank. Default: password
  • AdvancedPassword: This is the password that protects the buttons in the advanced tab of the dashboard. Do not leave this blank, otherwise none of the buttons will work. Default: password
  • NodeCGDashboardIP: This is the link to your NodeCG dashboard. This must be a full URL, if running on your local computer the URL is usually http://localhoast:9090. Leave this blank if you don't have NodeCG, you won't be able to use the NodeCG integrations. Default: http://localhost:9090
  • MonitoringTwitchChannel: This is the Twitch channel that is used in the Monitoring tab. You must have a SSL certificate for your dashboard to get the player to work, see the Security page for more information. Default: nicnacnic
  • DashboardURLParent: This is the URL of your dashboard for the Twitch player. If using HTTPS, put your domain/subdomain/public IP here. You'll need to omit the https:// and /ui in your URL. Default:
  • AutoRecord: Records whenever the scene is not in intermission. Useful when uploading runs to YouTube, no more plopping a 12 hour recording into Premiere Pro! More information can be found on the Using The Dashboard page. Default: true
  • Transition: This is your transition name in OBS. When the Transition button is pressed in the Scenes page, this is the transition that will be used. Default: Stinger


Editing Scenes

Below all this is the scene configuration. This is where you can configure the scenes that are switched to each time the corresponding button is pressed. The defaults are fine if using the included scene collection, but if your scenes have different names in OBS and you don't want to change them, this is where you would do it. Note that the button labels on the dashboard will not change.

	"Scenes" :{
		"IntroVid":"Intro Video",
		"OutroVid":"Outro Video",

Editing Sources

And finally, the very bottom of the document contains the audio sources. Same thing applies here, if you're using the included scene collection, there is no need to change this, but if your sources have different names in OBS and you don't want to change them, this is where you would do it. Note that the button labels on the dashboard will not change. You can also specify three custom audio sources like the scenes above.

	"Audio" :{
		"P1Audio":"P1 Browser",
		"P2Audio":"P2 Browser",
		"P3Audio":"P3 Browser",
		"P4Audio":"P4 Browser",

Editing Custom Scenes/Sources

The last couple scenes, named Custom 1, Custom 2, etc... are near the bottom of the document. Here, the button labels on the dashboard can be changed by changing the CustomXName value. There are only 5 of these and you cannot add more.

		"Custom1Name":"Custom 1",
		"Custom1":"Custom 1",
		"Custom2Name":"Custom 2",
		"Custom2":"Custom 2",
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