Sitemap and user journey - nicmart-dev/linguistnow GitHub Wiki

User journey

  1. Linguist signs in with Google account.
  2. Linguist selects one or more calendars.
  3. Project Manager signs in with Google account.
  4. Application checks live for available time slots on selected calendars.
  5. Application filters users based on availability and returns the list of available users for the project.

Live sandbox

You can login to and use test accounts below:

Note: Don't mind the Google warnings during sign-in, app approval is still in progress.

Site map with screenshots

  • Login

    Click to show screenshot

    chrome-capture-2024-6-10 (5)

Project Manager Dashboard
  • Find available linguist

    Click to show screenshot

    chrome-capture-2024-6-10 (2)

Linguist Settings
  • Connect with Google Calendar (Linguist only)

    Click to show screenshot

    chrome-capture-2024-6-10 (6)

Navigation bar
  • Responsive design

    Click to show screenshot

    chrome-capture-2024-6-10 (8)

  • Change language

    Click to show screenshot

    chrome-capture-2024-6-10 (4)

  • Logout

    Click to show screenshot image
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