Deploy app to production - nicmart-dev/linguistnow GitHub Wiki

The Node Express server folder has been deployed to Render on The React app to Netlify, and the n8n workflow was deployed on my local NAS on

Update OAuth2 configuration to production

Prerequisite: set up OAuth2 in Google Cloud console.

We will need to adjust the consent screen settings and credentials to use the production url of our React app eg.

  1. Go to OAuth consent screen

  2. Click Edit app button

  3. Provide relevant information. For example:

  1. Go to credentials screen at and add production URL in Authorized redirect URIs, and Authorized JavaScript origins sections, for example below:
  1. Download updated oauth2.keys.json, go to Renders environment variables and edit the secret file, making sure the production url is the first or only one in the list:
  1. This file content will be set as secret file when we deploy Render below.

Deploy Node Express server on Render

Create web service on Render

A new Web Service was created on Render, choosing to Build and deploy from a Git repository, and server folder on our repo chosen as the root folder to deploy from.


Loading credentials from secret file

Added the oauth2.keys.json file as secret file on Render


Render mounts secret files into a special directory at runtime /etc/secrets. To access this directory when deployed, and a different one when running locally, here's how the authController.js code was adjusted to read the oauth2.keys.json file from those different paths.

Click to show code
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

// Define the possible paths
const localPath = path.join(__dirname, '../config/oauth2.keys.json');
const hostingProviderPath = path.join('/etc/secrets', 'oauth2.keys.json');

// Determine which path to use for OAuth2 configuration from Google Developers Console
const secretFilePath = fs.existsSync(localPath) ? localPath : hostingProviderPath;

console.log(`Using secret file path: ${secretFilePath}`);

const keys = require(secretFilePath);

// Create an oAuth client to authorize the API call.  Secrets are kept in a `keys.json` file,
// which should be downloaded from the Google Developers Console.
const oAuth2Client = new OAuth2Client(

Set environment variables

The .env variable was copied over to the Environment section on the Render server, per this help guide. Airtable variables were set per install instructions, and the rest from the example.env file.


Then waited 1-2min for Render deployment to complete:


Deploy n8n

Install n8n Docker container on NAS

Deploying n8n docker image to local NAS was chosen as I already own a Synology DS218, so running n8n at no additional cost. After installing the image, configured the container and added Synology firewall rules so n8n could access the PostgreSQL db.

Why not Heroku?

As it costs $7 per month for web plan (basic dynos) and $5 for Heroku Postgres addon.

That said it's officially supported by n8n with a 1-click Deploy to Heroku template that creates a Docker image.

Why not using Render?

Render is not officially supported by n8n unlike Heroku. Also, even though there is a docker blueprint that can be imported to Render, deploying it requires a $7/month minimum plan to deploy the Docker image, so more expensive than Heroku.

Why not directly deploy n8n in the cloud?

Because it costs a minimum of €20 a month

Configure n8n instance

Prerequisite: follow n8n steps to configure your workflow.

  1. Open your Webhook starting node, toggle to Production URL and copy webhook url
  1. Open your Render dashboard again, back to the environment variables section, and add new variable to allow our Node Express server to connect to our n8n workflow, with key N8N_WEBHOOK_URL and value be what you copied in previous step removing /calendar-check so it ends in /webhook
  1. Don't forget to click Save Changes button

Deploy React app on Netlify

  1. Choose to create new repo and select GitHub

  2. Select your repo

  3. Click Build Settings

  4. Set Base directory field to client

  5. Change the "Build command" to CI=false npm run build (to ignore any warnings in the code)

  6. Set Publish directory field to client/build

  7. Click Add environment variables button

  8. Create 4 keys below:

  1. Click the Deploy to Netlify button

  2. Change app name in your site configuration under and enjoy eg.

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