Home - nicmart-dev/linguistnow GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the LinguistNow wiki!

User experience

Slides for 3min pitch I gave (video upload pending): https://www.canva.com/design/DAGH8QYv9D0/ErSLJJqaQy9WQG6f6aKHWQ/view?utm_content=DAGH8QYv9D0

You can have a look at the user flow with screenshots.

Install instructions

To install the app locally, please check the install instructions. This will soon be deployed to production on a hosting provider too.

Software design documents

Authentication and Google APIs

Google Authentication

Integration of Google Calendar API


Internationalization using react‐intl package

n8n workflow

n8n workflow integration


Store user data in Airtable


Style using Tailwind CSS framework