Banana Island Archive TIMEBACK MACHINE - nickplj12/banana GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the time-back machine! The time-back machine is maintained by the Banana Island Archive researchers! We seek to keep an archive of important data such as emails from the BAR organization, and changes in the rapidly changing environment! We also seek to document the lower part of the earth, which many scientists have determined to be safe for human life. However, traveling there is out of the question. To afford such a trip, you would need millions of banana points! And, you would have to endure the scorching hot ride. As far as we know, no one has traveled in or out of Antarctica, but we have received messages from them.

Rules for the archives

  • Respect your fellow archivists. They are human too!

  • Keep yourself safe. Do not interact with unsafe anomalies in the BAR organization's grasp.

  • As for the banana-rooms, we do not know all of the locations where you can teleport yourself into the banana rooms. As we find more "noclip" spots, we will send e-mails to archivists.

Onto the archives!

Here is all our data collected so far:

Banana Anomaly Research (BAR) emails

The Banana Anomaly Research organization is an organization determined to document all anomalies explainable by science. We have accidentally received a few of their emails when it was meant to go between the personnel.


- from: [email protected]
+ to: [email protected]
- time: 05/10/2025
+ subject: Missing peoples incident.
Hello, [all]

A few people have gone missing in BAR staff.

These people are: Diana Felicia, Cam Flankson, and Leno Delaware.

If any of you know where these people have gone, please tell us. 

Messages from the antarctic

Antarctica was described (by our wikipedia archives) to be "the coldest, driest, and windiest of the continents", and it had "the highest average elevation" and was "mainly a polar desert, with annual precipitation of over 200 mm (8 in) along the coast and far less inland.".

Antarctica, in recent years, seems to have been inhabited by people at around the same time Banana Island started in the north poles.

We have received many messages attempting to communicate with the Banana Islands via "Random Access Bulletins", invented by "Scardle A. Scartle" in 2024.

Here are some messages we recieved.


+ received via bulletin board #3 of banana islands.
+ time-date: 01/15/2030
- STOP denotes a period.
- PAUS denotes a comma.

The message seems to try to communicate something. We are unsure of the significance.

UPDATE 06/21/2033: We have found the meaning of this bulletin. First we will have to explain how the random access bulletin system works. To save space, the RAB system has a long list of words. When you send a message, the list is searched for each word, and replaces the word with which line that word appears on. So, whats really being sent by RAB when you send "HELLO STOP" is "170598 385495". It turns out that some bits were shifted in the process of the message sending, causing "coupons" to display instead of "yourself". This is alarming to say the least.