Unit Tests - nickberliner1/check-list-app GitHub Wiki

There were already quite a few unit tests, however I added 9 more to the ControllerSpec.js file.

(In order of where they were written)

  1. It should show entries on startup (line 62)
  2. It should show active entries (line 92)
  3. It should show completed entries (line 102)
  4. It should highlight "All" filter by default (line 155)
  5. It should highlight "Active" filter when switching to active view (line 165)
  6. It should toggle all todos to completed (line 176)
  7. It should update the view (line 189)
  8. It should add a new todo to the model (line 204)
  9. It should remove an entry from the model (line 253)

Jasmine tests successful