Standard experiment workflows - nick-klingaman/mckpp GitHub Wiki

Workflows for running MetUM-GOML experiments

There are several standard experiments to perform with MetUM-GOML. Typically, you will want to do one or more of the following:

Generate new heat and salt corrections , because you want to constrain the model to a new ocean mean state (temperature and salinity climatology) or because you want to change something about the atmospheric physics (e.g., change a parameter in the convection scheme) and you want to minimise the effect of that change on the ocean mean state.

Change the coupling region , because you want to change which gridpoints are coupled to the atmosphere and which have prescribed sea-surface temperatures.

Change the atmospheric or oceanic resolution , because you want to run MetUM-GOML at a resolution that is not supported by the standard configuration.

Further instructions for each of these workflows can be found on the pages above.