Standard MetUM GOML rose suites - nick-klingaman/mckpp GitHub Wiki
Rose suites
Here we list "standard" Rose suites for running MetUM-GOML climate simulations, which constrain the MC-KPP to an observation-based ocean temperature and salinity climatology, using near-global coupling (all gridpoints that are not ice-covered, either seasonally or totally). We also list a few examples of suites to run initialised forecasts.
We also include a few examples of Rose suites for MetUM-GOML simulations with alterations to the ocean mean state or the coupling region, as examples for users who might want to run those types of sensitivity experiments.
Standard global climate suites
Standard global climate suites for MetUM-GOML3, which is parallel to GC3, in that it uses the GA7 atmosphere coupled to the MC-KPP ocean.
- MetUM-GOML3 at N96 atmospheric and oceanic resolution. Uses the heat and salt corrections computed from theu-bd892
MetUM-GOML3 relaxation simulation.u-bd818
- MetUM-GOML3 at N216 atmospheric and oceanic resolution. Uses the heat and salt corrections computed from theu-at580
MetUM-GOML3 relaxation simulation.
Global forecast suites
There are also MetUM-GOML suites that run initialised forecasts, cycling through a range of start dates. Typically we do not use heat and salt corrections to constrain the ocean in these simulations, as for reasonably short forecasts (< 20 days) the ocean drift is tolerable and similar to that seen with fully dynamic ocean model such as NEMO. Running these requires access to the ocean initial conditions from the Met Office, which can be retrieved from MASS (moose:/opfc/ocn/global/rerun/YYYYMM.file/YYYYMMDDT0000Z_restart.tar
). These initialised forecasts use MetUM-GOML2, which is parallel to GC2, because this was the latest Met Office operational coupled NWP configuration at the time.
- MetUM-GOML2 suite with configurable UM horizontal resolution (N216, N512, N768, N1280)u-be459
- MetUM-GOML2 at N216 atmospheric and oceanic resolutionu-bx243
- MetUM-GOML2 at N1280 atmospheric and oceanic resolution (ocean coupling limited to West Pacific)
Regional forecast suites
MC-KPP has been configured to run coupled to the MetUM regional atmospheric configuration (e.g., RA1T). The MC-KPP ocean runs at N1280 resolution to fit the ocean onto a single HPC node, while the atmosphere runs at convection-permitting resolution (typically 4km).
- MetUM regional atmosphere + MC-KPP. Can be configured to run for Southeast Asia (sea) domain or India (ind) domain.
Global climate suites for sensitivity experiments
Example MetUM-GOML suites that run sensitivity experiments to change the coupling region or the ocean mean state.
- MetUM-GOML3 at N96 that adds a 3-year repeating ENSO cycle on top of the standard ocean climatology. Uses the heat and salt corrections computed fromu-bk451
relaxation simulation.u-bl598
- As u-bl506, but at N216 and using theu-bj838
relaxation simulation.u-be408
- MetUM-GOML3 at N96 with the ocean constrained to the MetUM-GC3 ocean mean state, rather than the standard ocean climatology. Uses the heat and salt corrections from theu-be222