Missing options in F90 code - nick-klingaman/mckpp GitHub Wiki

Missing MC-KPP namelist options in the F90 branch of the code


  • Options: L_DIST_RUNOFF
    Description: Enables distribution of river runoff to coupled gridpoints. River runoff passed from the atmosphere is accumulated over the coupled domain, then returned to all coupled ocean gridpoints equally as an increment to the freshwater flux.
    Status: Essential for global simulations to minimise drift in ocean salinity

    Description: Read a global SST (or ice) field and persist that as the climatological SST (or ice) or SST (or ice) anomaly through the simulation.
    Status: Essential for initialised forecast simulations, where the initial SST and sea ice needs to be persisted through the forecast (either in uncoupled regions, or in the coupling region as a sensitivity experiment). In these runs, the SST and ice are read in from the initial ocean analysis, rather than in separate files provided by the user (as in climate simulations).

  • Options: L_INTERP_FCORR, ndt_interp_fcorr, L_INTERP_SFCORR, ndt_interp_sfcorr
    Description: Interpolate heat and salt corrections in time.
    Status: Required so that the user can give monthly data for these (significant disk-space savings) and have MC-KPP interpolate them to daily means.

  • Options: initflux_file
    Description: Add namelist option to control filename for initial surface fluxes in MetUM coupled case.
    Status: Required to specify a filename for the initial surface fluxes. MetUM sends zeros for surface fluxes at the first timestep (at least in some UM versions), so we built an initial surface flux file that MC-KPP could read.

  • Options: output_file, output_dir
    Description: Improved processing of output file names.
    Status: Allows the user to redirect MC-KPP output to another directory, or alter default filename pattern. Required to write MC-KPP output to a directory other than the directory holding the MC-KPP executable.

Likely to be useful

  • Options: L_EKMAN_PUMP, max_ekman_depth, max_ekadv_depth
    Description: Enables vertical Ekman advection (pumping) by the curl of the surface wind stress. Advection can be tuned by adjusting max_ekman_depth and max_ekadv_depth in NAME_PARAS.
    Status: Likely to be useful for modelling of tropical cyclones, for which Ekman pumping is a key component of the cyclone-related ocean cooling.

  • Options: L_SLAB, slab_depth
    Description: Run as a slab ocean (single layer)
    Status: Likely to be useful to anyone who does not need a vertically resolved ocean (e.g., aquaplanet simulations).

  • Options: L_SST_SMOOTH, L_SST_SMOOTH_X, L_SST_SMOOTH_Y, sst_smooth_ifirst, sst_smooth_ilast, sst_smooth_jfirst, sst_smooth_jlast, sst_smooth_blend, L_SST_SMOOTH_ANOM, L_SST_ANOM_FUDGE
    Description: Smooth SSTs
    Status: Allows MC-KPP to smooth SSTs spatially before returning them to the atmosphere. Useful for sensitivity experiments on the role of SST gradients. Likely to be used beyond the project for which it was initially implemented.

  • Options: L_SST_LAG, L_SST_LAG_FUDGE, sst_lag_len
    Description: Add ability to send lagged SST through the coupler's normal SST field, using L_SST_LAG and sst_lag_len (timesteps to update lagged SST).
    Status: As above, but allows SSTs to be smoothed in time. Useful for sensitivity experiments on the role of SST variability.

Maybe useful

  • Options: L_RELAX_INIT
    Description: Relax to initial conditions
    Status: May be useful for initialised forecast experiments, for which the user does not have a climatological temperature and salinity to which to relax.

  • Options: L_RELAX_FILE
    Description: Added ability to read a netCDF file of gridded relaxation timescales. The same timescale applies to all relaxed quantities. Values in days.
    Status: May be useful for targeted relaxation experiments, to vary the timescale at the gridpoint scale instead of by latitude row (standard option)

  • Options: L_UPD_FLUXDATA
    Description: Add option to update surface forcing data (TRUE by default).
    Status: I think this was added to make the opposite possible: not updating the data! Could be useful for testing forced (MC-KPP only) simulations.

Unlikely to be useful

  • Options: L_FCORR_NSOL, L_FCORR_NSOL_FILE, fcorr_nsol_file, fcorr_nsol_coeff
    Description: Relax the model SST toward the target SST climatology (specified by sstin_file in NAME_COUPLE) by adjusting the non-solar heat flux into the ocean, using a relaxation coefficient specified either as a global constant through a namelist option (fcorr_nsol_coeff below) or as a spatially varying field using a netCDF file (fcorr_nsol_file). Implemented for DCPP simulations.
    Status: Unlikely to be useful beyond the already-completed DCPP simulations referenced above.

  • Options: L_BARRIER_REMOVE, L_BARRIER_SALISO, L_BARRIER_SALVAVG, L_NO_EGTP, barrier_dt, barrier_subdepth, barrier_ifirst, barrier_ilast, barrier_jfirst, barrier_jlast
    Description: Remove barrier layers
    Status: This set of options was implemented for a sensitivity experiment for the BoBBLE project, to remove sub-surface salinity barrier layers in the Bay of Bengal. It is unlikely to be used again.

  • Options: L_COLUMBIA_LAND
    Description: Change slab depth for Columbia ITCZ experiments within specified bounds
    Status: Implemented for an intercomparison project in 2015 and unlikely to be used again

  • Options: L_VARY_OPT, L_PERIODIC_OPT, ndtupdopt, opt_period
    Description: Added ability to vary optical properties in time, via a netCDF file containing Rfac, h1, and h2. Internally, Jerlov water types are now used only to set values of Rfac, h1 and h2 in kpp_3d_fields (and kpp_2d_fields by extension).
    Status: Implemented for a sensitivity experiment for the BoBBLE project, to add time-varying optical properties of seawater. Unlikely to be used again.

  • Options: L_RELAX_CURR, relax_curr_in , L_UPD_CURR, L_PERIODIC_CURR, curr_file, curr_period, ndtupdcurr
    Description: Relax profiles of currents to specified climatology. Replaces previous option to read surface (only) currents directly from input file.
    Status: I don't think anyone has used these.