Lab04 DHCP Server - nicholaslamon/SYS255 GitHub Wiki
So this week we set up and configured the DHCP server for our domains. This server was hosted from our Linux CentOS machine and is functioning at 100% The DHCP server is configured to automatically set IP address to hosts that join the domain. To start this whole process, I had to install DCHP onto my CentOS box and configure it. I did this by running the following command:
After setting up DHCP and configuring it, I checked the status of the config:
Once all was looking good, I enabled DHCP to be active all the time, so that even when the machines restart, it will still be running and be able to assign IP address to devices.
After it was set up to run permanently, I went to my workstation and removed the static IP and let DHCP assign it's own IP.