OSX Controller Setup - nicholasdavidson/pybit GitHub Wiki
OSX Controller Setup
For other UNIX-like systems which we do not package for (Currently, we only support Debian), you should still be able to manually install the controller application.
dpkg --compare-versions is used once in Controller. You can install dpkg using HomeBrew on Mac OSX. (I also installed my postgres, rabbit, python etc... from HomeBrew, and got the python dependencies through pip.). Overall, controller works very well, and I have had no bad karma.
HomeBrew resolves dependencies, so it will also grab Erlang etc... as required. You will need XCode (at least the CLI tools) to get a compiler (You want to swap Clang/LLVM for GCC) as well as git. Also, while you could use the version of Python that comes with OSX, I suggest installing a newer version.
Ensure that /usr/local/bin is in your PATH (So it will prefer to use your HomeBrew installed apps), by editing /etc/paths.
You just need to istall the DB manually using the "psql" CLI tool, its "\i" command, and the files under our /db/ folder, and manually configure your "/configs/web/web.conf" file with your correct credentials and DB name. (There is no dbconfig-common etc... on OSX)
Then, just running ~/pybit-web.py should start the dev server and "just work". Total time: 5 mins.