Blacklisting packages - nicholasdavidson/pybit GitHub Wiki

Sometimes they will be things going into your VCS, with updated debian/changelogs, which you absolutely DO NOT want to build automatically.

We have a new table "Blacklist" with fields "field" and "regex". Blacklist is used internally by process_job() in controller to determine if certain packages are centrally blacklisted using regexes. If there is a match on the field in question , we will not build. process_job() is called by both the WebGUI and the Hook.

For example "name" and "(.-dev)" will mean we do not autobuild any development packages, while "vcs_uri" and "(./users/*)" will block sources from locations such as /repo/users/jamesb/somebadcode

The controller log will print "BLACKLISTED! - [regex] matches [fieldname]:[data]" if a package is blacklisted.