dashlet - nicho92/MtgDesktopCompanion GitHub Wiki
Dashlet are small graphical plugins that could be inserted in a dashboard.
See Personnalize your dashboard to get how to add them.
theses dashlets uses basicaly Transaction modules
All graph are clickable.
This dashlet show you graphical data of your financial balance of your Transaction module entries
This dashlet show you graphical information about your transactions :
you select transaction attributs, and then you can group by SELL or BUY and show you quantity or value
Show you transactions history
This dashlet show you graphical information about your selled or bought products :
you select product attributs, and then you can group by SELL or BUY and show you quantity or value
This dashlet simulate a booster's box opening. and then get a simulated value of the pack.
: choose the set
: choose the sealed format
: choose number of item to open
then click to run the simulation.
this dashlet extract data from your stock module.
You can group result by qty or value.
A table tab show you data in a sheet.
theses dashlets uses basicaly Dashboard plugins
get prices variations.
get data value from cardmarket.com. Currently bugged.
get card variations by format
get X valuable variations
this dashlet use dashboard to get most played cards by format / types.
this dashlet will search for you best prices for memory stored cards ( when you use this button ) from the selected pricer
Iframe dashlet is a embbeded browser for your dashboard. May be used when you want to get a bookmark of websites
This dashlet extract some statistics from the cards provider.
You should have a indexed cards database ( see indexer ) and Database Indexation.