Technicals informations - nicho92/MtgDesktopCompanion GitHub Wiki
MTGCompanion let you to have a view on current process.
Just open the dialog "Technical" in the ? menu.
The dialog will show you many technical information process.
- Config : The JVM informations.
- Threads : the JVM Threads
- Tasks : The MTGCompanion tasks ( worker and runnable).
- Network : all the online queries initiated by the app.
- Qwartz Script : if the SERVER Qwartz is running. You'll get all the job's data
- Files Access : the MTGCompanion files manipulations on your drive
- Logs : the MTGCompanion logs.
- Files : the files present in your GED plugins ( with type and size).
- Queries : get all DAO queries informations
- DB Size: get the DAO storage size informations
- Discord : if the SERVER Discord is running. You'll get all the queries answered by your server.
- JsonServer Cache : if the SERVER Json_Http_Server is running. get cached data of your Json Server.
- JsonServer Queries: if the SERVER Json_Http_Server is running. get all the request of your Json Server.
- Activemq : if the SERVER ActiveMQ is running. You'll get all the queries and online users.