Discord Bot - nicho92/MtgDesktopCompanion GitHub Wiki
Technical information
File Location : $USER_HOME/.magicDeskCompanion/servers/Discord Bot.conf
Invit the bot to a chan and ask {cards_name} or {card_name|edition_code}
Creating a bot app
Go to https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/
Click on "New Application" and give a name
Select "Bot" Menu on the left
Click on "Add Bot" button
When done, click to reveal token for your BOT access Token or click Copy
Required Permissions
The bot requests the following permissions when you add it. Removing any of these permissions later may hinder the bot’s operation:
Read Messages: The bot must be able to listen to text channels Send Messages: The bot needs to be able to post messages Embed Links: The bot will often embeds links for the card answers it provides
Configure the server plugin
THUMBNAIL_IMAGE= THUMBNAIL|IMAGE Will show a thumbnail or full pics on discord chan when looking for image
AUTOSTART= true|false Will launch the server when app starts
SHOWPRICE= true|false Will print prices when ask for a card
TOKEN= string BOT access token