Create your deck - nicho92/MtgDesktopCompanion GitHub Wiki
Create your deck with MTGCompanion
The toolbar
Search a card to add to current deck
filter results by legalities
Create new deck
Open a deck
refresh current deck ( card's data, legalities,...)
save the current deck
import or export deck
generate a random deck ( choosen randomly with enabled plugins)
open an independant dialog box to get the deck anywhere on your window
Deck Panel
firslty, choose the current section of the deck :
then when a card is added, you have many actions :
on the table
change qty by click on the column, to change the value ( 0 will remove the card).
change the set of the current card.
With right click
Delete : remove the card from the current section
Define as commander : if current creature is legendary, this option will define current card as commander
Move to <side / main> : will remove the card from current section and put it in the other.
More like this : will show you in result similar cards of the selected
Info Panel
In this section, you can get or fill some data about your deck ( title, description and Tags). Completions and legalities are calculated
Stats Panel
this section is a small dashboard about your deck Mana repartition, Types repartition, Rarity repartition and CMC. You have also drawing probabilities (HypergeometricDistribution).
You can also estimate price of your deck with a pricer.
a quick randomized 7 cards draw thumbnail
Stock comparision
this module check your stock and show you missing's cards
choose collection and if set is strictly the same ( otherwise, search will use the card name).
click on to launch the search
you can export missing cards with export button
Then, when calculation is done, you can check with your selected pricer, the prices of your missing cards