CACHE JCS - nicho92/MtgDesktopCompanion GitHub Wiki

Technical information

  • File Location : $USER_HOME/.magicDeskCompanion/cache/JCS.conf
  • Category : CACHE
  • Version : 2.2.1
  • Status : STABLE
  • Need Authenticator : No

Configure the plugin

Key Description Type Default Value Allowed Values
jcs.default.cacheattributes.MemoryCacheName Text org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.memory.lru.LRUMemoryCache
jcs.default.elementattributes.IsRemote By default, can elements in this region be sent to a remote cache if one is available. Boolean true true
jcs.auxiliary.DC.attributes.DiskPath Directory where are stored files Text $USER_HOME/.magicDeskCompanion\data\jcsCache
jcs.default.outputCache.cacheattributes.DiskUsagePatternName Under the swap pattern, data is only put to disk when the max memory size is reached. Since items puled from disk are put into memory, if the memory cache is full and you get an item off disk, the lest recently used item will be spooled to disk. If you have a low memory hit ration, you end up thrashing. The UPDATE usage pattern allows items to go to disk on an update. It disables the swap. This allows you to persist all items to disk. If you are using the JDBC disk cache for instance, you can put all the items on disk while using the memory cache for performance, and not worry about losing data from a system crash or improper shutdown. Also, since all items are on disk, there is no need to swap to disk. This prevents the possibility of thrashing. Text org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.ElementAttributes UPDATE
jcs.default.cacheattributes.MaxMemoryIdleTimeSeconds This is only used if you are using the memory shrinker. If this value is set above -1, then if an item has not been accessed in this number of seconds, it will be spooled to disk if the disk is available. You can register an event handler on this event. Number 3600 Any value > 3600
jcs.default.elementattributes.IsSpool By default, can elements in this region be sent to a disk cache if one is available. Boolean true true
jcs.default.elementattributes.IsLateral By default, can elements in this region be sent to a lateral cache if one is available. Boolean true true
jcs.auxiliary.DC Text org.apache.commons.jcs.auxiliary.disk.indexed.IndexedDiskCacheFactory
jcs.default Text DC
jcs.default.cacheattributes.ShrinkerIntervalSeconds This specifies how often the shrinker should run, if it has been activated. If you set UseMemoryShrinker to false, then this setting has no effect. Number 60 Any value > 30
jcs.auxiliary.DC.attributes.MaxPurgatorySize The maximum number of items allowed in the queue of items to be written to disk. Number 10000 Any value > 1
jcs.default.cacheattributes Text org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.CompositeCacheAttributes
jcs.auxiliary.DC.attributes.MaxKeySize The maximum number of keys that the indexed disk cache can have. Since the keys are stored in memory, you may want to limit this number to something reasonable. Number 10000 Any value > 5000
jcs.auxiliary.DC.attributes Text org.apache.commons.jcs.auxiliary.disk.indexed.IndexedDiskCacheAttributes
jcs.default.cacheattributes.MaxObjects The maximum number of items allowed in memory. Eviction of elements in excess of this number is determined by the memory cache. By default JCS uses the LRU memory cache. Number 200 Any value between 1 and 1000
jcs.auxiliary.DC.attributes.OptimizeAtRemoveCount At how many removes should the cache try to defragment the data file. Since we recycle empty spots, defragmentation is usually not needed. To prevent the cache from defragmenting the data file, you can set this to -1. Number 300000 Any value > -1
jcs.default.elementattributes Text org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.ElementAttributes
jcs.default.cacheattributes.UseMemoryShrinker By default, the memory shrinker is shared by all regions that use the LRU memory cache. The memory shrinker iterates through the items in memory, looking for items that have expired or that have exceeded their max memory idle time. Boolean true true
jcs.default.elementattributes.IsEternal If an element is specified as eternal, then it will never be subject to removal for exceeding its max life. Boolean false true
jcs.default.elementattributes.MaxLife If you specify that elements within a region are not eternal, then you can set the max life seconds. If this is exceeded the elements will be removed passively when a client tries to retrieve them. If you are using a memory shrinker, then the items can be removed actively Number 21600 Any value > -1
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