PCTLoadSchema - niandy/pct GitHub Wiki


Loads database schema.

XML namespace

<pct:schema_load />


Attribute Description Default value
srcFile ‡ DF file to be loaded None
unfreeze Unfreeze the tables in the database before loading the schema, then refreeze everything that was unfrozen after the load. False
onlineChanges Relaxes requirements to apply online changes (use SESSION:SCHEMA-CHANGE = 'NEW OBJECTS'). False
commitWhenErrors Commits transaction even if there are errors. If set to true and there are errors, it just displays a warning. If set to false and there are errors, build fails. False
callbackClass Callback class during schema load. Only for OpenEdge 11.3+ None

† Only one of those attributes is mandatory ‡ Mandatory attribute

PCTLoadSchema inherits attributes from PCT and PCTRun.

Parameters as nested elements

Resource Collection

Adds a resource collection to be loaded in database

Callback class

Callback class has to implement rssw.pct.ILoadCallback or extend rssw.pct.AbstractLoadCallback, and have a no-arguments constructor. The interface is :

  method public void beforeFile(file as char).
  method public void afterFile(f as char, logger as rssw.pct.LoadLogger).


<PCTLoadSchema srcFile="schema.df" dlcHome="${DLC}">
  <PCTConnection dbName="test" singleUser="true" />

Connects in single-user mode to test.db and loads schema from schema.df

<PCTLoadSchema dlcHome="${DLC}">
  <PCTConnection dbName="test" singleUser="true" />
  <fileset dir="schema" includes="*.df" />

Connects in single-user mode to test.db and loads every .df file in schema directory