PCTLoadSchema - niandy/pct GitHub Wiki
Loads database schema.
XML namespace
<pct:schema_load />
Attribute | Description | Default value |
srcFile ‡ | DF file to be loaded | None |
unfreeze | Unfreeze the tables in the database before loading the schema, then refreeze everything that was unfrozen after the load. | False |
onlineChanges | Relaxes requirements to apply online changes (use SESSION:SCHEMA-CHANGE = 'NEW OBJECTS' ). |
False |
commitWhenErrors | Commits transaction even if there are errors. If set to true and there are errors, it just displays a warning. If set to false and there are errors, build fails. | False |
callbackClass | Callback class during schema load. Only for OpenEdge 11.3+ | None |
† Only one of those attributes is mandatory ‡ Mandatory attribute
PCTLoadSchema inherits attributes from PCT and PCTRun.
Parameters as nested elements
Resource Collection
Adds a resource collection to be loaded in database
Callback class
Callback class has to implement rssw.pct.ILoadCallback
or extend rssw.pct.AbstractLoadCallback
, and have a no-arguments constructor.
The interface is :
method public void beforeFile(file as char).
method public void afterFile(f as char, logger as rssw.pct.LoadLogger).
<PCTLoadSchema srcFile="schema.df" dlcHome="${DLC}">
<PCTConnection dbName="test" singleUser="true" />
Connects in single-user mode to test.db and loads schema from schema.df
<PCTLoadSchema dlcHome="${DLC}">
<PCTConnection dbName="test" singleUser="true" />
<fileset dir="schema" includes="*.df" />
Connects in single-user mode to test.db and loads every .df file in schema directory