PCTCreateDatabase - niandy/pct GitHub Wiki


Creates Progress database.

XML namespace

<pct:db_create />


Attribute Description Default value
dbName ‡ Database name None
destDir Destination directory where to create the database. Project basedir
sourceDb Copy specified DB to target DB. If attribute is not provided, the empty DB will be used
schemaFile Initial dump file(s) to load into database. Separate dump filenames with commas. Files are resolved first as an absolute path, then relative to base directory. Wildcards are not expanded None
structFile Structure description file. None
blockSize Block size in kilobytes (1, 2, 4 or 8). Can't be used with sourceDb attribute 8
noInit No initialization of database schema (procopy emptyX dbName). Can't be used with sourceDb attribute. False
codepage Copy empty database from a prolang subdirectory. Can't be used with sourceDb attribute. None
wordRules Assign a specific word rules table to a database (ie runs a proutil dbname -C word-rules XXX). This command is run before loading schema (if available). None
multiTenant Enable multitenancy for this database. False
failOnError Only during schema load. True
collation Load collation table (copy from $DLC/prolang or $DLC/prolang/codepage) None
tempDir -T parameter when loading schema None
cpInternal -cpinternal parameter when loading schema None
cpStream -cpstream parameter when loading schema None
cpCase -cpcase parameter when loading schema None
cpColl -cpcoll parameter when loading schema None
newInstance Appends -newInstance in the procopy command line. False
largeFiles Enable large files for this database. False
relative Appends -relative in the procopy command line. False
auditing Enable auditing for this database. False
auditArea Audit tables area name None
auditIndexArea Audit indexes area name None

† Only one of those attributes is mandatory ‡ Mandatory attribute

PCTCreateDatabase inherits attributes from PCT.

Parameters as nested elements

Load additional DF files after having created the database.

Creates a nested propath, and adds it to the implicit propath. The propath is only used during schema update.

Creates a new Oracle schema holder inside a database. If a schema holder is defined, no schema can be loaded in the main database.

Creates a new SQL Server schema holder inside a database. If a schema holder is defined, no schema can be loaded in the main database.

Creates a new ODBC schema holder inside a database. If a schema holder is defined, no schema can be loaded in the main database.


<PCTCreateDatabase dbName="MyDB" dlcHome="${env.DLC}" />

Creates an empty database named MyDB in current directory. Command line used is procopy empty8 MyDB

<PCTCreateDatabase dbName="MyDB" destDir="MyDir" dlcHome="${env.DLC}" schemaFile="/home/test/MySchema.df" wordRules="1">
    <fileset dir="foo" includes="*.df" />
    <reverse xmlns="antlib:org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.comparators">
      <date />
</PCTCreateDatabase >

Creates an empty database named MyDB in MyDir subdir of the current directory, then load proword.1 word break table (_proutil MyDB -C word-rules 1), and then loads schema from /home/test/MySchema.df, followed by every .df file in directory foo, sorted by descending modification date.

<echo file="test.st">
  b test.b1 f 1024
  b test.b2 v 2048
  d "Schema Area":6,64 test.d1 f 1024
  d "Schema Area":6,64 test.d2 v 2048
<PCTCreateDatabase dbName="test" dlcHome="${env.DLC}" structFile="test.st" codepage="utf" />

Creates a database structure from test.st file (_proutil prostrct create test test.st) and then procopy $DLC/prolang/utf/empty8 test.

<PCTCreateDatabase dbName="test" dlcHome="${DLC}" sourceDb="/riverside/db/mydb" schemaFile="add.df" />

Copy /riverside/db/mydb to test.db in current directory, then load add.df in this new database

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