PCTCreateDatabase - niandy/pct GitHub Wiki
Creates Progress database.
<pct:db_create />
Attribute | Description | Default value |
dbName ‡ | Database name | None |
destDir | Destination directory where to create the database. | Project basedir |
sourceDb | Copy specified DB to target DB. | If attribute is not provided, the empty DB will be used |
schemaFile | Initial dump file(s) to load into database. Separate dump filenames with commas. Files are resolved first as an absolute path, then relative to base directory. Wildcards are not expanded | None |
structFile | Structure description file. | None |
blockSize | Block size in kilobytes (1, 2, 4 or 8). Can't be used with sourceDb attribute | 8 |
noInit | No initialization of database schema (procopy emptyX dbName ). Can't be used with sourceDb attribute. |
False |
codepage | Copy empty database from a prolang subdirectory. Can't be used with sourceDb attribute. | None |
wordRules | Assign a specific word rules table to a database (ie runs a proutil dbname -C word-rules XXX ). This command is run before loading schema (if available). |
None |
multiTenant | Enable multitenancy for this database. | False |
failOnError | Only during schema load. | True |
collation | Load collation table (copy from $DLC/prolang or $DLC/prolang/codepage ) |
None |
tempDir | -T parameter when loading schema | None |
cpInternal | -cpinternal parameter when loading schema | None |
cpStream | -cpstream parameter when loading schema | None |
cpCase | -cpcase parameter when loading schema | None |
cpColl | -cpcoll parameter when loading schema | None |
newInstance | Appends -newInstance in the procopy command line. |
False |
largeFiles | Enable large files for this database. | False |
relative | Appends -relative in the procopy command line. |
False |
auditing | Enable auditing for this database. | False |
auditArea | Audit tables area name | None |
auditIndexArea | Audit indexes area name | None |
† Only one of those attributes is mandatory ‡ Mandatory attribute
PCTCreateDatabase inherits attributes from PCT.
Load additional DF files after having created the database.
Creates a nested propath, and adds it to the implicit propath. The propath is only used during schema update.
Creates a new Oracle schema holder inside a database. If a schema holder is defined, no schema can be loaded in the main database.
Creates a new SQL Server schema holder inside a database. If a schema holder is defined, no schema can be loaded in the main database.
Creates a new ODBC schema holder inside a database. If a schema holder is defined, no schema can be loaded in the main database.
<PCTCreateDatabase dbName="MyDB" dlcHome="${env.DLC}" />
Creates an empty database named MyDB in current directory. Command line used is procopy empty8 MyDB
<PCTCreateDatabase dbName="MyDB" destDir="MyDir" dlcHome="${env.DLC}" schemaFile="/home/test/MySchema.df" wordRules="1">
<fileset dir="foo" includes="*.df" />
<reverse xmlns="antlib:org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.comparators">
<date />
</PCTCreateDatabase >
Creates an empty database named MyDB in MyDir subdir of the current directory, then load proword.1 word break table (_proutil MyDB -C word-rules 1
), and then loads schema from /home/test/MySchema.df, followed by every .df file in directory foo
, sorted by descending modification date.
<echo file="test.st">
b test.b1 f 1024
b test.b2 v 2048
d "Schema Area":6,64 test.d1 f 1024
d "Schema Area":6,64 test.d2 v 2048
<PCTCreateDatabase dbName="test" dlcHome="${env.DLC}" structFile="test.st" codepage="utf" />
Creates a database structure from test.st file (_proutil prostrct create test test.st
) and then procopy $DLC/prolang/utf/empty8 test
<PCTCreateDatabase dbName="test" dlcHome="${DLC}" sourceDb="/riverside/db/mydb" schemaFile="add.df" />
Copy /riverside/db/mydb
to test.db
in current directory, then load add.df
in this new database