Overview - niandy/pct GitHub Wiki


PCT (Progress Compilation Tools) is a set of ANT tasks, designed to automate work in OpenEdge environment.

PCT is distributed under the Apache License.

This project was born due to the lack of automated OpenEdge code compiler. PCT is a command-line based tool, so it can be run in batch mode, to generate nightly builds or for continuous integration. However, as PCT is a set of ANT tasks, your compilation tasks can be run using a graphical frontend to ANT.

PCT was designed and written by Gilles QUERRET (g.querret at gmail.com), freelance developer for Riverside Software in France.


As it's not possible to upload binaries on Google Code, binaries will now be available on BitBucket


A SonarSource instance is now available here. At this time, Java source code is analyzed using the standard provided tools, and OpenEdge is analyzed with a custom plugin :

  • full source code import based on debug listing
  • analysis of transaction scopes
  • code duplication
  • code coverage, analyzed from profiler output (results from unit tests)
  • an extremely basic set of lint rules Source code and binaries are available at http://bitbucket.org/gquerret

To receive more news about how it works, please contact me (g.querret AT gmail.com or g.querret AT riverside-software.fr)