DlcHome - niandy/pct GitHub Wiki


Defines the OpenEdge installation directory. When the value is set, you don't have to define dlcHome attribute anymore in the rest of the build. This task also adds /.pct/ to the default excluded files.

XML namespace

<pct:dlc_home />


Attribute Description Default value
value ‡ OpenEdge installation directory None

‡ Mandatory attribute

Parameters as nested elements



Example 1

<DlcHome value="/path/to/dlc" />

Will use /path/to/dlc in any subsequent PCT task.

Example 2

<DlcHome value="${DLC}" />

Will use the content of the DLC variable in any subsequent PCT task. This DLC variable is usually passed from the command line :

ant -DDLC=/path/to/dlc targetName

Example 3

<property environment="env"/>
<DlcHome value=${env.DLC}" />

Will use the content of the DLC environment variable in any subsequent PCT task.