Lab7&8 - niCEnANi/RealTimeBigData GitHub Wiki


Development of Simple Kafka -Storm Application. Implement a client application for your video data, where the features, key frame and metadata is extracted and sent over to Storm using Kafka.The Storm performs different analytics such as number of key frame, number of sift features for particular video on the data received from the Kafka Spout. Make sure to have multiple bolts to perform different analytics.


Step1: We have taken the video as input and found the key frames from the video.

Step2: These key frames are decoded as strings and sent all theses strings(frames) with comma separator to kafka producer by creating topic. And The Kafka consumer consumes the whole string which contains strings separated by comma.

Step3: In the first Bolt, It takes the whole string and computes how many strings(frames) in it. In the Second Bolt, It counts the no.of words in that whole string.

Step4: In the result bolt, It takes the input from 1st and 2nd bolt and combines it and sent to the kafka producer.

Step5: The Kafka consumer takes the result and store these values in mongodb.