NI XNET XNET LIN Schedule Properties - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

XNET LIN Schedule Properties


Data Type Direction Required? Default
nxDatabaseRef_t Read Only N/A N/A

Property Class


Property ID



This property returns the reference (nxDatabaseRef_t) to the parent cluster in which the PDU has been created. You cannot change the parent cluster after creating the PDU object.


Data Type Direction Required? Default
char * Read/Write No Empty String

Property Class

XNET Signal

Property ID



Comment describing the signal object.

A comment is a string containing up to 65535 characters.

Configuration Status

Data Type Direction Required? Default
i32 Read Only No N/A

Property Class

XNET Signal

Property ID



The signal object configuration status.

Configuration Status returns an NI-XNET error code. You can pass the value to the nxStatusToString error code input to convert the value to a text description of the configuration problem.

By default, incorrectly configured signals in the database are not returned from the XNET Frame Signals property because they cannot be used in the bus communication. You can change this behavior by setting the XNET Database ShowInvalidFromOpen? property to true. When a signal configuration status becomes invalid after the database is opened, the signal still is returned from the Signals property even if the ShowInvalidFromOpen? property is false.

Examples of invalid signal configuration:

  • The signal is specified using bits outside the frame payload.
  • The signal overlaps another signal in the frame. For example, two multiplexed signals with the same multiplexer value are using the same bit in the frame payload.
  • The frame containing the signal is invalid (for example, a CAN frame is defined with more than 8 payload bytes).


Data Type Direction Required? Default
nxDatabaseRef_t[] Read Only N/A N/A

Property Class

XNET LIN Schedule

Property ID



The array of entries for this LIN schedule.

The position of each entry in this array specifies the position in the schedule. The database file and/or the order that you create entries at runtime determine the position.


Data Type Direction Required? Default
u32 Read/Write No 42

Property Class

XNET LIN Schedule

Property ID



Priority of this run-once LIN schedule when multiple run-once schedules are pending for execution.

The valid range for this property is 1–254. Lower values correspond to higher priority.

This property applies only when the Run Mode property is Once. Run-once schedule requests are queued for execution based on this property. When all run-once schedules have completed, the master returns to the previously running continuous schedule (or null).

Run-continuous schedule requests are not queued. Only the most recent run-continuous schedule is used, and it executes only if no run-once schedule is pending. Therefore, a run-continuous schedule has an effective priority of 255, but this property is not used.

Null schedule requests take effect immediately and supercede any running run-once or run-continuous schedule. The queue of pending run-once schedule requests is flushed (emptied without running them). Therefore, a null schedule has an effective priority of 0, but this property is not used.

This property is not read from the database, but is handled like a database property. After opening the database, the default value is returned, and you can change the property. But similar to database properties, you cannot change it after a session is created.

Run Mode

Data Type Direction Required? Default
u32 Read/Write No See Description

Property Class

XNET LIN Schedule

Property ID



This property is an enumerated list with the following values:

Enumeration Value
Continuous 0
Once 1
Null 2
This property specifies how the master runs this schedule:
  • Continuous: The master runs the schedule continuously. When the last entry executes, the schedule starts again with the first entry.
  • Once: The master runs the schedule once (all entries), then returns to the previously running continuous schedule (or null). If requests are submitted for multiple run-once schedules, each run-once executes in succession based on its Priority, then the master returns to the continuous schedule (or null).
  • Null: All communication stops immediately. A schedule with this run mode is called a null schedule.

This property is not read from the database, but is handled like a database property. After opening the database, the default value is returned, and you can change the property. But similar to database properties, you cannot change it after a session is created.

Usually, the default value for the run mode is Continuous. If the schedule is configured to be a collision resolving table for an event-triggered entry, the default is Once.


Data Type Direction Required? Default
string Read/Write Yes Defined in nxdbCreateObject

Property Class

XNET LIN Schedule Entry

Property ID



String identifying the LIN schedule entry object.

Lowercase letters (a–z), uppercase letters (A–Z), numbers, and the underscore (_) are valid characters for the short name. The space ( ), period (.), and other special characters are not supported within the name. The short name must begin with a letter (uppercase or lowercase) or underscore, and not a number. The short name is limited to 128 characters.

A schedule entry name must be unique for all entries in the same schedule.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️