NI XNET XNET Database Properties - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

XNET Database Properties


The basic entity of a database is a cluster. A cluster is the description of a single network (for example, a CAN or FlexRay bus).

For CAN, the cluster contains only the baud rate. For FlexRay, there are about 30 global network parameters to set for a cluster. The NI-XNET Database Editor includes an Easy view, where you can set the six most important parameters; the other parameters are then chosen automatically to obtain a functioning network. If you start with FlexRay, this is probably the method of choice. However, if you have an existing database, you can use the Expert view to set individual parameters.

Usually, a database contains only one cluster. For example, the NI-CAN database and CANdb formats support only one cluster. However, FIBEX and AUTOSAR support multiple clusters per database; for example, you might describe all of a car's networks in a single database.


Data Type Direction Required? Default
bool Read/Write No False

Property Class

XNET Database

Property ID



Shows frames and signals that are invalid at database open time.

After opening a database, this property always is set to false, meaning that invalid clusters, frames, and signals are not returned in properties that return XNET I/O Names for the database (for example, XNET Cluster Frames and XNET Frame Signals). Invalid clusters, frames, and signals are incorrectly defined and therefore cannot be used in the bus communication. The false setting is recommended when you use the database to create XNET sessions.

In case the database was opened to correct invalid configuration (for example, in a database editor), you must set the property to true prior to reading properties that return XNET I/O Names for the database (for example, XNET Cluster Frames and XNET Frame Signals.

For invalid objects, the XNET Cluster Configuration Status, XNET Frame Configuration Status, and XNET Signal Configuration Status properties return an error code that explains the problem. For valid objects, Configuration Status returns success (no error).

Clusters, frames, and signals that became invalid after the database is opened are still returned from the XNET Database Clusters, XNET Cluster Frames, and XNET Frame Signals properties, even if ShowInvalidFromOpen? is false and Configuration Status returns an error code. For example, if you open the frame with valid properties, then you set the Start Bit beyond the payload length, the Configuration Status returns an error, but the frame is returned from XNET Cluster Frames.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️