NI SWITCH Channel Configuration Attributes - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

Channel Configuration Attributes


Specific Attribute

Numeric Value Data
Access Applies to Coercion High Level Functions
1250003 ViBoolean R/W N/A None None


This channel-based attribute specifies whether to reserve the channel for internal path creation. A channel that is available for internal path creation is called a configuration channel. The driver may use configuration channels to create paths between two channels you specify in the niSwitch_Connect function. Configuration channels are not available for external connections. Set this attribute to VI_TRUE to mark the channel as a configuration channel. Set this attribute to VI_FALSE to mark the channel as available for external connections. After you identify a channel as a configuration channel, you cannot use that channel for external connections. The niSwitch_Connect function returns the NISWITCH_ERROR_IS_CONFIGURATION_CHANNEL error when you attempt to establish a connection between a configuration channel and any other channel.

Defined Values:



Related Information

  • niSwitch Properties
  • Setting Source and Configuration Channels


Specific Attribute

Numeric Value Data
Access Applies to Coercion High Level Functions
1250001 ViBoolean R/W N/A None None


This channel-based attribute specifies whether you want to identify the channel as a source channel. Typically, you set this attribute to VI_TRUE when you attach the channel to a power supply, a function generator, or an active measurement point on the unit under test, and you do not want to connect the channel to another source. The driver prevents source channels from connecting to each other. The niSwitch_Connect function returns the NISWITCH_ERROR_ATTEMPT_TO_CONNECT_SOURCES when you attempt to connect two channels that you identify as source channels.

Defined Values:



Related Information

  • niSwitch Properties
  • Setting Source and Configuration Channels


Specific Attribute

Numeric Value Data
Access Applies to Coercion High Level Functions
1150018 ViBoolean RW N/A None None


Enables or disables sharing of an analog bus line so that multiple NI SwitchBlock devices may connect to it simultaneously. To enable multiple NI SwitchBlock devices to share an analog bus line, set this attribute to VI_TRUE for each device on the channel that corresponds with the shared analog bus line. The default value for all devices is VI_FALSE, which disables sharing of the analog bus.

Refer to Using the Analog Bus on an NI SwitchBlock Carrier for more information about sharing the analog bus.

Related Information

  • Using the Analog Bus on an NI SwitchBlock Carrier
  • Analog Bus Sharing Enable Property
  • niSwitch Properties
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