NI SCOPE Calibrate Functions - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

Calibrate Functions


C Function Prototype

ViStatus niScope_CalSelfCalibrate (ViSession sessionHandle, ViConstString channelList, ViInt32 option);


Self-calibrates most NI digitizers, including all SMC-based devices. To verify that your digitizer supports self-calibration, refer to Features Supported by Device.

For SMC-based digitizers, if the self-calibration is performed successfully in a regular session, the calibration constants are immediately stored in the self-calibration area of the EEPROM. If the self-calibration is performed in an external calibration session, the calibration constants take effect immediately for the duration of the session. However, they are not stored in the EEPROM until niScope_CalEnd is called with action set to NISCOPE_VAL_ACTION_STORE and no errors occur.


Name Type Description
vi ViSession The instrument handle you obtain from niScope_init that identifies a particular instrument session.
channelList ViConstString The channel to configure. For more information, refer to Channel String Syntax.
option ViInt32 The calibration option. Use VI_NULL for a normal self-calibration operation or NISCOPE_VAL_CAL_RESTORE_EXTERNAL_CALIBRATION to restore the previous calibration.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niScope_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niScope_GetError and niScope_ClearError. The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors
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