NI RFmx NR Build String Functions - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

Build String Functions


int32 __stdcall RFmxNR_BuildSignalString (char signalName[], char resultName[], int32 selectorStringLength, char selectorString[]);


Creates selector string.


Name Type Description
signalName char[] Specifies the signal name for building the selector string. This input accepts the signal name with or without the "signal::" prefix.
resultName char[] Specifies the name to be associated with measurement results. Provide a unique name, such as "r1" to enable fetching of multiple measurement results and traces. This input accepts the result name with or without the "result::" prefix.
selectorStringLength int32 Specifies the length of the selector string. Set this parameter to 0 to get the minimum buffer size required to build the selector string.
selectorString char[] Returns the selector string.

Return Value

Name Type Description


int32 __stdcall RFmxNR_BuildSubblockString (char selectorString[], int32 subblockNumber, int32 selectorStringOutLength, char selectorStringOut[]);


Creates the subblock string.


Name Type Description
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and the result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxNR_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
subblockNumber int32 Specifies the number of subblocks that are configured in the non-contiguous carrier aggregation. Set this parameter to 1, which is the default, for single carrier and intra-band contiguous carrier aggregation.
selectorStringOutLength int32 Specifies the length of the string that is returned by the selectorStringOut parameter. To get the minimum buffer size required to build the selector string, set the selectorStringOutLength parameter to 0.
Name Type Description
selectorStringOut char[] Returns the selector string.

Return Value

Name Type Description


int32 __stdcall RFmxNR_BuildOffsetString (char selectorString[], int32 offsetNumber, int32 selectorStringOutLength, char selectorStringOut[]);


Creates the offset string.


Name Type Description
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name, result name, and subblock number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxNR_BuildSubblockString) function to build the selector string.
offsetNumber int32 Specifies the offset number for building the selector string.
selectorStringOutLength int32 Specifies the length of the string that is returned by the selectorStringOut parameter. To get the minimum buffer size required to build the selector string, set the selectorStringOutLength parameter to 0.
Name Type Description
selectorStringOut char[] Returns the selector string.

Return Value

Name Type Description


int32 __stdcall RFmxNR_BuildCarrierString (char selectorString[], int32 carrierNumber, int32 selectorStringOutLength, char selectorStringOut[]);


Creates the carrier string.


Name Type Description
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name, result name, and subblock number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxNR_BuildSubblockString) function to build the selector string.
carrierNumber int32 Specifies the carrier number for building the selector string.
selectorStringOutLength int32 Specifies the length of the string that is returned by the selectorStringOut parameter. To get the minimum buffer size required to build the selector string, set the selectorStringOutLength parameter to 0.
Name Type Description
selectorStringOut char[] Returns the selector string.

Return Value

Name Type Description


int32 __stdcall RFmxNR_BuildBandwidthPartString (char selectorString[], int32 bandwidthPartNumber, int32 selectorStringOutLength, char selectorStringOut[]);


Creates the bandwidth part string.


Name Type Description
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name, result name, subblock number, and carrier number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxNR_BuildCarrierString) function to build the selector string.
bandwidthPartNumber int32 Specifies the bandwidth part number for building the selector string.
selectorStringOutLength int32 Specifies the length of the string that is returned by the selectorStringOut parameter. To get the minimum buffer size required to build the selector string, set the selectorStringOutLength parameter to 0.
Name Type Description
selectorStringOut char[] Returns the selector string.

Return Value

Name Type Description


int32 __stdcall RFmxNR_BuildUserString (char selectorString[], int32 userNumber, int32 selectorStringOutLength, char selectorStringOut[]);


Creates the user number string.


Name Type Description
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name, result name, subblock number, and bandwidth part number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxNR_BuildBandwidthPartString) function to build the selector string.
userNumber int32 Specifies the user number for building the selector string.
selectorStringOutLength int32 Specifies the length of the string that is returned by the selectorStringOut parameter. To get the minimum buffer size required to build the selector string, set the selectorStringOutLength parameter to 0.
Name Type Description
selectorStringOut char[] Returns the selector string.

Return Value

Name Type Description


int32 __stdcall RFmxNR_BuildPUSCHString (char selectorString[], int32 PUSCHNumber, int32 selectorStringOutLength, char selectorStringOut[]);


Creates the PUSCH string.


Name Type Description
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name, result name, subblock number, bandwidth part number, and user number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxNR_BuildUserString) function to build the selector string.
PUSCHNumber int32 Specifies the PUSCH number for building the selector string.
selectorStringOutLength int32 Specifies the length of the string that is returned by the selectorStringOut parameter. To get the minimum buffer size required to build the selector string, set the selectorStringOutLength parameter to 0.
Name Type Description
selectorStringOut char[] Returns the selector string.

Return Value

Name Type Description


int32 __stdcall RFmxNR_BuildPUSCHClusterString (char selectorString[], int32 PUSCHClusterNumber, int32 selectorStringOutLength, char selectorStringOut[]);


Creates a PUSCH Cluster string.


Name Type Description
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name, result name, subblock number, bandwidth part number, user number, and pusch number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxNR_BuildPUSCHString) function to build the selector string.
PUSCHClusterNumber int32 Specifies the PUSCH cluster number for building the selector string.
selectorStringOutLength int32 Specifies the length of the string that is returned by the selectorStringOut parameter. To get the minimum buffer size required to build the selector string, set the selectorStringOutLength parameter to 0.
Name Type Description
selectorStringOut char[] Returns the selector string.

Return Value

Name Type Description


int32 __stdcall RFmxNR_BuildPDSCHString (char selectorString[], int32 PDSCHNumber, int32 selectorStringOutLength, char selectorStringOut[]);


Creates the PDSCH string.


Name Type Description
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name, result name, subblock number, bandwidth part number, and user number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxNR_BuildUserString) function to build the selector string.
PDSCHNumber int32 Specifies the PDSCH number for building the selector string.
selectorStringOutLength int32 Specifies the length of the string that is returned by the selectorStringOut parameter. To get the minimum buffer size required to build the selector string, set the selectorStringOutLength parameter to 0.
Name Type Description
selectorStringOut char[] Returns the selector string.

Return Value

Name Type Description


int32 __stdcall RFmxNR_BuildPDSCHClusterString (char selectorString[], int32 PDSCHClusterNumber, int32 selectorStringOutLength, char selectorStringOut[]);


Creates a PDSCH Cluster string.


Name Type Description
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name, result name, subblock number, bandwidth part number, user number, and pdsch number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxNR_BuildPDSCHString) function to build the selector string.
PDSCHClusterNumber int32 Specifies the PDSCH cluster number for building the selector string.
selectorStringOutLength int32 Specifies the length of the string that is returned by the selectorStringOut parameter. To get the minimum buffer size required to build the selector string, set the selectorStringOutLength parameter to 0.
Name Type Description
selectorStringOut char[] Returns the selector string.

Return Value

Name Type Description
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️