NI RFSG Device Characteristics Attributes - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

Device Characteristics Attributes


Numeric Value Data
Access Coercion High Level Functions
1150182 ViReal64 RO None None


Returns the amplitude extender module temperature in degrees Celsius.

Units: degrees Celsius (°C)

Supported Devices: PXIe-5654 with PXIe-5696


Numeric Value Data
Access Coercion High Level Functions
1150068 ViReal64 RO None None


Returns the AWG module temperature in degrees Celsius.

PXIe-5820/5840/5841: If you query this attribute during RF list mode, list steps may take longer to complete during list execution.

Units: degrees Celsius (°C)

Supported Devices: PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5840/5841


Numeric Value Data
Access Coercion High Level Functions
1150017 ViReal64 RO None None


Returns the device temperature. If the NI-RFSG session is controlling multiple devices, this attribute returns the temperature of the primary NI RF device. The NI-RFSG session is opened using the primary RF device name.

Serial signals between the sensor and the system control unit could modulate the signal being generated, thus causing phase spurs. After the device thoroughly warms up, its temperature varies only slightly (less than 1 degree Celsius) and slowly, and it is not necessary to constantly poll this temperature sensor.

PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXIe-5820/5840/5841: If you query this attribute during RF list mode, list steps may take longer to complete during list execution.

PXIe-5830/5831/5832: To use this attribute, you must first set the channelName parameter of the niRFSG_SetAttributeViReal64 function to using the appropriate string for your instrument configuration. Setting the niRFSG_SetAttributeViReal64 function is not required for the PXIe-3621/3622. Refer to the following table to determine which strings are valid for your configuration.

Hardware Module TRX Port Type Active Channel String
PXIe-3621/3622 if or "" (empty string)
PXIe-5820 fpga
First connected mmRH-5582 DIRECT TRX PORTS Only rf0
SWITCHED TRX PORTS [0-7] rf0switch0
SWITCHED TRX PORTS [0-7] rf0switch1
Second connected mmRH-5582 DIRECT TRX PORTS Only rf1
SWITCHED TRX PORTS [0-7] rf1switch0
SWITCHED TRX PORTS [0-7] rf1switch1
Units: degrees Celsius (°C)

Supported Devices: PXI-5610, PXIe-5611, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI/PXIe-5650/5651/5652, PXIe-5653/5654/5654 with PXIe-5696, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

Temperature Monitoring

Thermal Shutdown


Numeric Value Data
Access Coercion High Level Functions
1150211 ViReal64 RO None None


Returns the FPGA temperature in degrees Celsius.

Serial signals between the sensor and the system control unit can potentially modulate the signal being generated, thus causing phase spurs. After the device thoroughly warms up, its temperature varies only slightly (less than 1 degree Celsius) and slowly, and it is not necessary to constantly poll this temperature sensor.

Note Note  If you query this attribute during RF list mode, list steps may take longer to complete during list execution.
Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Numeric Value Data
Access Coercion High Level Functions
1150075 ViReal64 RO None None


Returns the LO module temperature in degrees Celsius.

PXIe-5840/5841: If you query this attribute during RF list mode, list steps may take longer to complete during list execution.

Units: degrees Celsius (°C)

Supported Devices: PXIe-5673/5673E, PXIe-5840/5841


Numeric Value Data
Access Coercion High Level Functions
1150210 ViReal64 RO None None


Returns the total power consumption of the device.

Note Note  If you query this attribute during RF list mode, list steps may take longer to complete during list execution.
Units: watts

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Numeric Value Data
Access Coercion High Level Functions
1150084 ViString RO None None


Returns the module revision letter. If the NI-RFSG session is controlling multiple modules, this attribute returns the revision letter of the primary RF module. The NI-RFSG session is opened using the primary RF device name.

Supported Devices: PXIe-5611, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI/PXIe-5650/5651/5652, PXIe-5653/5654/5654 with PXIe-5696, PXIe-5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

Related Topics

Identifying Module Revision



Numeric Value Data
Access Coercion High Level Functions
1150188 ViBoolean RO None None


Returns whether the NI RF signal generator has the fast tuning option available.

Defined Values:

VI_TRUE The RF signal generator has the fast 100 µs tuning option.
VI_FALSE The RF signal generator has the 1 ms tuning option.
Supported Devices: PXIe-5654/5654 with PXIe-5696

Related Topics

Frequency Tuning Times


Specific Attribute

Numeric Value Data
Access Applies to Coercion High Level Functions
1150026 ViString RO N/A None None


Returns the serial number of the RF module. If the NI-RFSG session is controlling multiple modules, this attribute returns the serial number of the primary RF module.

Supported Devices: PXI-5610, PXIe-5611, PXIe-5644/5645/5646, PXI/PXIe-5650/5651/5652, PXIe-5653/5654/5654 with PXIe-5696, PXI-5670/5671, PXIe-5672/5673/5673E, PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841


Numeric Value Data
Access Coercion High Level Functions
1150212 ViReal64 R/W None None


Specifies the minimum time between temperature sensor readings.

Units: Seconds

Supported Devices: PXIe-5820/5830/5831/5832/5840/5841

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️