NI DIGITAL PATTERN DRIVER Synchronization Attributes - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

Synchronization Attributes


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1150039
Datatype ViString
Access R
Applies to N/A
Coercion None
High-level Functions N/A


Specifies the terminal name for the output trigger signal of the Start trigger.

You can use this terminal name as an input signal source for another trigger.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1150059
Datatype ViString
Access R
Applies to N/A
Coercion None
High-level Functions N/A


Specifies the terminal name for the output trigger signal of the Sequencer Flags trigger.

You can use this terminal name as an input signal source for another trigger.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1150042
Datatype ViString
Access R
Applies to N/A
Coercion None
High-level Functions N/A


Specifies the terminal name for the output trigger signal of the specified instance of a Pattern Opcode Event.

You can use this terminal name as an input signal source for another trigger.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️