NI DIGITAL PATTERN DRIVER Sequencer Flag Functions - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

Sequencer Flag Functions


Writes the state of a pattern sequencer flag. Use pattern sequencer flags to coordinate execution between the pattern sequencer and a runtime test program.

C Function Prototype: ViStatus niDigital_WriteSequencerFlag (ViSession vi, ViConstString flag, ViBoolean value)

Parameter Description
vi The specified instrument session the niDigital_init or niDigital_InitWithOptions function returns.

The pattern sequencer flag to write.

- NIDIGITAL_VAL_SEQUENCER_FLAG0 ("seqflag0"): Writes pattern sequencer flag 0.

- NIDIGITAL_VAL_SEQUENCER_FLAG1 ("seqflag1"): Writes pattern sequencer flag 1.

- NIDIGITAL_VAL_SEQUENCER_FLAG2 ("seqflag2"): Writes pattern sequencer flag 2.

- NIDIGITAL_VAL_SEQUENCER_FLAG3 ("seqflag3"): Writes pattern sequencer flag 3.

value A Boolean that assigns a state to the pattern sequencer flag you specify.

Note These defined values are currently not supported for gRPC, instead pass the raw values specified alongside, directly.

Return value: Reports the status of the operation.


Writes a Boolean value to the pattern sequencer flag for synchronized digital pattern instruments. Use pattern sequencer flags to coordinate execution between the pattern sequencer and a runtime program.

C Function Prototype: ViStatus niDigital_WriteSequencerFlagSynchronized (ViUInt32 sessionCount, ViSession[] sessions, ViConstString flag, ViBoolean value)

Parameter Description
sessionCount Number of sessions.
sessions An array of niDigital sessions.

The pattern sequencer flag to write.

- NIDIGITAL_VAL_SEQUENCER_FLAG0 ("seqflag0"): Writes pattern sequencer flag 0.

- NIDIGITAL_VAL_SEQUENCER_FLAG1 ("seqflag1"): Writes pattern sequencer flag 1.

- NIDIGITAL_VAL_SEQUENCER_FLAG2 ("seqflag2"): Writes pattern sequencer flag 2.

- NIDIGITAL_VAL_SEQUENCER_FLAG3 ("seqflag3"): Writes pattern sequencer flag 3.

value A Boolean that assigns a state to the pattern sequencer flag you specify.

Note These defined values are currently not supported for gRPC, instead pass the raw values specified alongside, directly.

Return value: Reports the status of the operation.


Reads the state of a pattern sequencer flag. Use pattern sequencer flags to coordinate execution between the pattern sequencer and a runtime test program.

C Function Prototype: ViStatus niDigital_ReadSequencerFlag (ViSession vi, ViConstString flag, ViBoolean* value)

Parameter Description
vi The specified instrument session the niDigital_init or niDigital_InitWithOptions function returns.

The pattern sequencer flag you want to read.

- NIDIGITAL_VAL_SEQUENCER_FLAG0 ("seqflag0"): Writes pattern sequencer flag 0.

- NIDIGITAL_VAL_SEQUENCER_FLAG1 ("seqflag1"): Writes pattern sequencer flag 1.

- NIDIGITAL_VAL_SEQUENCER_FLAG2 ("seqflag2"): Writes pattern sequencer flag 2.

- NIDIGITAL_VAL_SEQUENCER_FLAG3 ("seqflag3"): Writes pattern sequencer flag 3.

value A Boolean that indicates the state of the pattern sequencer flag you specify.

Note These defined values are currently not supported for gRPC, instead pass the raw values specified alongside, directly.

Return value: Reports the status of the operation.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️