NI DIGITAL PATTERN DRIVER Pattern Action Functions - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

Pattern Action Functions


Uses the startLabel you specify to burst the pattern on the sites you specify and provides the option to wait for the burst to complete. Digital pins retain their state at the end of a pattern burst until the first vector of a subsequent pattern burst, a call to niDigital_WriteStatic, or a call to niDigital_ApplyLevelsAndTiming.

C Function Prototype: ViStatus niDigital_BurstPattern (ViSession vi, ViConstString siteList, ViConstString startLabel, ViBoolean selectDigitalFunction, ViBoolean waitUntilDone, ViReal64 timeout)

Parameter Description
vi The specified instrument session the niDigital_init or niDigital_InitWithOptions function returns.
siteList The sites on which to burst the pattern as a comma-delimited list of strings in the form siteN, where N is the site number. If you specify an empty string, the pattern is burst on all sites.
startLabel Pattern name or exported pattern label from which to start bursting the pattern.
selectDigitalFunction A Boolean that specifies whether to select the digital function for the pins in the pattern prior to bursting.
waitUntilDone A Boolean that indicates whether to wait until the bursting is complete.
timeout Maximum time (in seconds) allowed for this function to complete. If this function does not complete within this time interval, this function returns an error.

Return value: Reports the status of the operation.


Uses the startLabel you specify to burst a pattern on the sites you specify. Use this function to burst a pattern on digital pattern instruments that you have previously synchronized using NI-TClk.

C Function Prototype: ViStatus niDigital_BurstPatternSynchronized (ViUInt32 sessionCount, ViSession[] sessions, ViConstString siteList, ViConstString startLabel, ViBoolean selectDigitalFunction, ViBoolean waitUntilDone, ViReal64 timeout)

Parameter Description
sessionCount Number of niDigital sessions.
sessions An array of niDigital sessions.
siteList The sites on which to burst the pattern as a comma-delimited list of strings in the form siteN, where N is the site number. If you specify an empty string, the pattern is burst on all sites.
startLabel Pattern name or exported pattern label from which to start bursting the pattern.
selectDigitalFunction A Boolean that specifies whether to select the digital function for the pins in the pattern prior to bursting.
waitUntilDone A Boolean that indicates whether to wait until the bursting is complete.
timeout The maximum time allowed for this function to complete, in seconds. If this function does not complete within this time interval, the function returns an error if waitUntilDone is True.

Return value: Reports the status of the operation.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️