NI DIGITAL PATTERN DRIVER IVI Inherent Attributes - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

IVI Inherent Attributes


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1050004
Datatype ViBoolean
Access R/W
Applies to Device
Coercion None
High-level Functions N/A


Specifies whether to cache the value of attributes. When caching is enabled, the instrument driver keeps track of the current instrument settings and avoids sending redundant commands to the instrument. This significantly increases execution speed. Caching is always enabled in the driver, regardless of the value of this attribute.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1050002
Datatype ViBoolean
Access R/W
Applies to Device
Coercion None
High-level Functions N/A


Checks the range and validates parameter and attribute values you pass to NI-Digital Pattern Driver functions.

Ranges are always checked, regardless of the attribute setting.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1050003
Datatype ViBoolean
Access R/W
Applies to Device
Coercion None
High-level Functions N/A


Specifies whether the NI-Digital Pattern Driver queries the digital pattern instrument status after each operation.

The instrument status is always queried, regardless of the attribute setting.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1050006
Datatype ViBoolean
Access R/W
Applies to Device
Coercion None
High-level Functions N/A


Specifies whether the IVI engine keeps a list of the value coercions it makes for integer and real type attributes. Enabling record value coercions is not supported.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1050005
Datatype ViBoolean
Access R
Applies to Device
Coercion None
High-level Functions N/A


Simulates I/O operations. After you open a session, you cannot change the simulation state. Use the niDigital_InitWithOptions function to enable simulation.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1050021
Datatype ViBoolean
Access R/W
Applies to Device
Coercion None
High-level Functions N/A


This attribute is not supported.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1050305
Datatype ViString
Access R
Applies to Device
Coercion None
High-level Functions N/A


Returns a string containing the logical name that you specified when opening the current IVI session. This attribute is not supported.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1050401
Datatype ViString
Access R
Applies to Device
Coercion None
High-level Functions N/A


Returns a string that contains a comma-separated list of class-extension groups that the driver implements.


Specific Attribute:

Numeric Value 1050327
Datatype ViString
Access R
Applies to Device
Coercion None
High-level Functions N/A


Returns a comma delimited string that contains the supported digital pattern instrument models for the specific driver.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️