NI DCPOWER Transient Attributes - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

Transient Attributes


Specific Attribute

Numeric Value Data
Access Applies to Coercion High-Level Functions
1150067 ViReal64 R/W Channel Yes None


The frequency at which the unloaded loop gain extrapolates to 0 dB in the absence of additional poles and zeroes. This attribute takes effect when the channel is in Constant Voltage mode.

!Note Note  This attribute is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Attributes by Device for information about supported devices.
Default Value: Determined by the value of the NIDCPOWER_VAL_NORMAL setting of the NIDCPOWER_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSIENT_RESPONSE attribute.


Specific Attribute

Numeric Value Data
Access Applies to Coercion High-Level Functions
1150068 ViReal64 R/W Channel Yes None


The frequency at which a pole-zero pair is added to the system when the channel is in Constant Voltage mode.

!Note Note  This attribute is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Attributes by Device for information about supported devices.
Default Value: Determined by the value of the NIDCPOWER_VAL_NORMAL setting of the NIDCPOWER_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSIENT_RESPONSE attribute.


Specific Attribute

Numeric Value Data
Access Applies to Coercion High-Level Functions
1150069 ViReal64 R/W Channel Yes None


The ratio of the pole frequency to the zero frequency when the channel is in Constant Voltage mode.

!Note Note  This attribute is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Attributes by Device for information about supported devices.
Default Value: Determined by the value of the NIDCPOWER_VAL_NORMAL setting of the NIDCPOWER_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSIENT_RESPONSE attribute.


Specific Attribute

Numeric Value Data
Access Applies to Coercion High-Level Functions
1150070 ViReal64 R/W Channel Yes None


The frequency at which the unloaded loop gain extrapolates to 0 dB in the absence of additional poles and zeroes. This attribute takes effect when the channel is in Constant Current mode.

!Note Note  This attribute is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Attributes by Device for information about supported devices.
Default Value: Determined by the value of the NIDCPOWER_VAL_NORMAL setting of the NIDCPOWER_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSIENT_RESPONSE attribute.


Specific Attribute

Numeric Value Data
Access Applies to Coercion High-Level Functions
1150071 ViReal64 R/W Channel Yes None


The frequency at which a pole-zero pair is added to the system when the channel is in Constant Current mode.

!Note Note  This attribute is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Attributes by Device for information about supported devices.
Default Value: Determined by the value of the NIDCPOWER_VAL_NORMAL setting of the NIDCPOWER_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSIENT_RESPONSE attribute.


Specific Attribute

Numeric Value Data
Access Applies to Coercion High-Level Functions
1150072 ViReal64 R/W Channel Yes None


The ratio of the pole frequency to the zero frequency when the channel is in Constant Current mode.

!Note Note  This attribute is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Attributes by Device for information about supported devices.
Default Value: Determined by the value of the NIDCPOWER_VAL_NORMAL setting of the NIDCPOWER_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSIENT_RESPONSE attribute.
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