NI DAQMX Task Attributes - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

Task Attributes

See how to get and set attributes.


Data Type: char*
Description: Indicates the name of the task.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTaskAttribute


Data Type: char*
Description: Indicates the names of all virtual channels in the task.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTaskAttribute


Data Type: uInt32
Description: Indicates the number of virtual channels in the task.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTaskAttribute


Data Type: char*
Description: Indicates an array containing the names of all devices in the task.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTaskAttribute


Data Type: uInt32
Description: Indicates the number of devices in the task.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTaskAttribute


Data Type: bool32
Description: Indicates whether the task completed execution.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetTaskAttribute

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️