NI DAQMX System Attributes - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

System Attributes

See how to get and set attributes.


Data Type: char*
Description: Indicates an array that contains the names of all global channels saved on the system.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetSystemInfoAttribute


Data Type: char*
Description: Indicates an array that contains the names of all custom scales saved on the system.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetSystemInfoAttribute


Data Type: char*
Description: Indicates an array that contains the names of all tasks saved on the system.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetSystemInfoAttribute


Data Type: char*
Description: Indicates the names of all devices installed in the system.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetSystemInfoAttribute


NI-DAQ Version


Data Type: uInt32
Description: Indicates the major portion of the installed version of NI-DAQmx, such as 7 for version 7.0.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetSystemInfoAttribute


Data Type: uInt32
Description: Indicates the minor portion of the installed version of NI-DAQmx, such as 0 for version 7.0.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetSystemInfoAttribute


Data Type: uInt32
Description: Indicates the update portion of the installed version of NI-DAQmx, such as 1 for version 9.0.1.
Restrictions: Not Settable

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetSystemInfoAttribute

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